20 December 2008

it just wouldn't be Christmas without BYU choking in a bowl game

I've always been more of an NFL fan anyway, so that plus the bad taste BYU left in my mouth made it pretty easy to stop following the cougars. That said, it just wouldn't be Christmas without watching BYU cough up a bowl game, and this year was no exception.

Honestly, I'm just not that into any football anymore. I didn't play fantasy football this year (I barely did last year)... none of the Vikings games show in this market... I just can't bring myself to care enough to watch. Maybe it's a good thing.

Now soccer... there's a different story.

19 December 2008

Rewind to Thanksgiving

Since Scott was gone for most of November we decided to spend Thanksgiving at home with just the two of us.  We went all out and cooked a huge, traditional meal.  Scott was trying to gain the weight back that he lost at survival school and I was there for moral support.


  Starting to slow down a bit... 


Ooh, it hurts. 

I never want to see food again.

Post-Thanksgiving coma

Can't wait until next year.  Let's watch football.

15 December 2008

I can't wait to do nothing

In a week I'll have no responsibilities whatsoever. That will be grand.

Last Christmas was a doozy, to be sure, but getting engaged is stressful. This time around I need only shoot some pool, play Rockband and the occasional board/card game, eat, and sleep. I don't even have to monitor the news if I don't want to. I've never been so excited for Christmas.

10 December 2008

yes, T-bone, it's me

So being the progressive, web-savvy folks that we are we decided to join the cloud and make a joint blog.

Heck, if my mom can get facebook anything can happen, right?

Viva la revolucion.